Saturday, August 29, 2009

Peas From Suzanne's Garden
This won't be a very long post, but I am here to update you all on my garden. My kale has come and almost gone, but it served us very well while it was here. The peas died on the first round, but so far, they are doing well. Tomatoes have bloomed and given us many golden pleasures so far. The cucs are getting large and are slowly taking over the grass around the raised beds. Tomatillos, they are coming in numbers also. Not many ripe ones yet, but a number of small ones on the plant, waiting to be picked. The flowers are holding up as well as they can against the rain and bugs. Our poor broccoli went to seed before we could enjoy the delicious heads. Peppers, are very small and very, very few. I fear that they will not make it.