Thursday, May 28, 2009

Done! (Almost)

The garden is finished! Well, not quite, but I like to think of it as done. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the garden, and what goes into one. My mentors were an amazing part of the whole thing. Along with my mom, and all of my other supporters. Thanks!

My final presentation is coming up shortly, considering I only have 7 more school days left. (!!!!) The blog, along with a photo book, will be the two main points to my presentation.

Thanks for reading and following my process! I had a lot of fun blogging. Keep watching, at points during the summer, I will post about my garden and how it's coming along! Happy gardening!

Click here to visit my mentor's blog.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

They're In!

The first plants are in! On Thursday, I planted the Sugar Snap Peas in the garden. Today, after coming home from the botanical gardens in Boothbay, I went out and planted carrot seeds and kale. Also, there in the garden was the first of the pea sprouts!!! I'm so excited to finally have something in the ground! (Well technically they're not in the GROUND, but who's technical?) My lovely mentor went to pick up some seedlings for me on Friday. I wish I could have gone, but I had to go to this thing called school.

I'm not quite sure when, but the fence has also been put up! It was pretty easy. We went to Home Depot and bought 50 feet of chicken wire. We had measured before-hand the lengths of the garden, so we didn't have to guess in the store. It wasn't necessary, but we got a fancy gate to put in front. It only makes it look nice. So now, the garden is protected against groundhogs, and other animals that might think about eating my plants.

Currently, I am working more and more on the photo book that will be part of my final presentation on May 29th. That date is so soon! The book will sum up my whole project in pages and pages of picture. I have so much to do!

A note to Blossom and Fern:
Hey guys! I just wanted you to know that towards the end of the month, I could use some help planting the rest of my plants? Are you guys up to it? I sure hope so!